Friday, May 1, 2009

Spring is finally here!

This is my first time blogging so i hope I don't bore visitors to death! LOL
It was an extremely long winter here in the midwest and I am so glad that spring is finally here. I axiously waited for the new bulbs I planted last fall to peek through the dried leaves I covered them with. It was so fun to watch the Crocus and Daffodils and Tulips come up. Almost all of the new ones in last fall made it, so the aching knees and back from crawling around on the ground paid off. All the Hostas are up and growing more each day as are the Daylillies. The best are my Fern Peonies, that I moved after only one year in the ground, are all 6 up and doing pretty good with 2 of them having buds on them already. I started a bunch of seeds indoors and they started beautifully but not doing to well now. I may have started them too early in my fit of cabin fever.
I have a few Cannas in and will be planting more in the next couple weeks. I put in quite a few I was given last year and they tripled so I have WAY too many to use this year. I also harvested a bunch of seeds off them and am getting many new plants started in the house. The internet is such a great source on how to deal with them as I have never had Cannas before. If anyone wants to trade some Canna rhizomes for something else or a different color I would love it (I have the reddish/orange ones).
We also harvested tons of seeds from our Zinnas from last year (on advice from a friend?) . What a pain to have to seperate all of those seeds from the dried flower heads and not knowing if any of them will come up when planted. We test planted a pie plate full and only a few sprouted so we're going to spread them thick and hope for the best.
I have already planted our most interesting plant from last year. We planted Cardinal Climber Vines and they went crazy. We had them climb a pole in our yard and loved watching them go! Wow what an aggressive climber. We put them by a section of our chgain link fence in hopes that they will run along it.
The hummingbird feeder is up. The loved the Zinnias, Cannas and the Cardinal climber last year and we really enjoyed watching the flutter all around the back yard.
Will get our Fushia Hanging baskets in a couple weeks and the annuals out and sit back and enjoy.
I hope to post some pics from last year and some from this spring soon.